Ivar Grimstad4 articles
Foojay community members discuss the modernization of Jakarta EE applications from the older Java EE form, including backwards-compatibility, as well as forwards-excitement about cool new developments like Microprofile.

- Erik Costlow,
- Ivar Grimstad,
- Josh Juneau,
- Rudy De Busscher
Jakarta EE 9.1 Released!
The Jakarta EE Working Group Releases Jakarta EE 9.1 as Industry Continues to Embrace Open Source Enterprise Java!
Jakarta EE 9.1 adds support for Java SE 11 runtimes to the foundational Jakarta EE 9 release.
This gives developers more flexibility when migrating from previous Jakarta EE releases.
- Ivar Grimstad
Why Java Developers Continue to Rely on Jakarta EE
Over the past year, the Eclipse Foundation spoke to leading Java developers around the world to discuss why they rely on Jakarta EE and the unique benefits of using Jakarta EE technologies.
Their input is captured in our white paper, which describes the important advantages Jakarta EE offers today and for the future.
- Ivar Grimstad
2021 Jakarta EE Developer Survey
This is the fourth Jakarta EE Developer Survey, so it is safe to say that it has become an annual tradition and is your chance to influence the direction of the Jakarta EE working group.
The survey last year had more than 2000 responses from individuals around the World. Let’s beat that number this year!
- Ivar Grimstad