Tetiana Fydorenchyk9 articles
Check out out-of-box GlassFish & Payara auto-clustering implementation details and infrastructure topology specifics.

- Tetiana Fydorenchyk
Thorntail Fat, Thin, and Skinny Approach for Running Microservice Java Applications
Table of Contents Thorntail Fat Jar Builder InstallationThorntail Skinny Jar Builder InstallationThorntail Thin War Builder InstallationMultiple Thorntail Projects with Microservices Thorntail, originally WildFly Swarm, is most suitable for packaging applications as JAR, WAR, or EAR files. The most important value is in the functional agility the Thorntail provides. …
- Tetiana Fydorenchyk
Tomcat and TomEE Clustering Automation
Apache Tomcat is an open-source application server maintained by the Apache community. It is one of the most popular solutions for hosting Java applications due to its ease-of-use and lightweight yet versatile functionality.
Learn how how to install automatically clustered Tomcat and TomEE servers on Jelastic to get a highly available solution that can efficiently serve a large number of users, process high traffic, and be reliable!
- Tetiana Fydorenchyk
Jakarta EE Application Deployment to Kubernetes Cluster in Jelastic PaaS
Recently, Jelastic were asked to sponsor cloud hosting of a Jakarta EE project, called Cargo Tracker.
Being a member of Jakarta EE Working Group, Jelastic wanted to support the community and thus we started to run this application at one of our service providers (Scaleforce).
In this article, we would like to show how to deploy the Jakarta EE projects to the Kubernetes cluster within Jelastic PaaS using Cargo Tracker as an example.
- Tetiana Fydorenchyk
Automatic WildFly Clustering in Managed Domain Mode and Scaling inside Containers
How to extend WildFly from standalone server to cluster in managed domain mode inside containers for running cloud-native scalable applications?
There is no need to rebuild the whole application architecture in order to gain the required outcome from both managed domain mode and container technology.
Migration of legacy projects from VMs to micro clusters with system containers is not that painful at all.
It brings a “rich taste” of flexibility and efficiency for increasing competitive advantage.
- Tetiana Fydorenchyk
Elastic JVM: Configuring G1 GC for Automatic Vertical Memory Scaling
Nowadays, JVM-based applications can benefit from elasticity and density of container technology. However, there are still some issues that prevent unleashing the full potential of Java and containers “marriage.”
Releasing unused but committed Heap memory by the major JVM implementations based on OpenJDK, in most cases, is not performed automatically, or requires specific knowledge to be configured.
Java Garbage Collection Types and Settings Customization via Jelastic PaaS
Performance and price are two big considerations in application hosting that always matter. And, often, we question ourselves on how to decrease the spends, without affecting the performance of your apps at the same time. In this article, we’d like to address automatic memory management for Java applications hosted with Jelastic using garbage collection.
Let’s clarify what garbage collection is, what it does for Java applications and how it works within Jelastic PaaS.
- Tetiana Fydorenchyk
Building Microservices with Spring Boot Fat (Uber) Jar
In most minds, microservices is an approach to make a traditional monolithic system more structured, dividing it into logical components that correspond to different functional areas of application.
Thus, acting as a microservice, each component becomes self-contained, easily scaled, maintained and even upgraded without affecting the overall system.
Also, with a microservice architecture, you can use a software written in different programming languages, including Java.
Such freedom attracts but may frighten at the same time.
- Tetiana Fydorenchyk
Jenkins Cluster for Continuous Integration and Delivery (CI/CD) inside Jelastic PaaS
In this article, we’ll describe how to install Jenkins cluster with slave nodes auto-discovering and self-registering inside a master node.
Jelastic PaaS implemented this solution in Jenkins DevOps Pack that can be installed from the Marketplace or through environment setup wizard as a New Environment.
In this tutorial we’ll cover both. Also, you will find out how to build a simple Java project hosted on GitHub using Jelastic Maven plugin.