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Foojay Podcast #61: As a developer, how do we keep our body and mind healthy?
Table of Contents VideoPodcast (Audio only)GuestsGeorgios Diamantopoulos Tom Cools Lutske de Leeuw Jessica Siewert Rijo Sam Content At Devoxx and JFall, we talked with Georgios Diamantopoulos, Lutske de Leeuw, Tom Cools, Jessica Siewert, and Rijo Sam about staying physically and mentally healthy as software developers. …

- Frank Delporte,
- Rijo Sam,
- Tom Cools
Foojay Podcast #24: BeJUG, BruJUG and how Devoxx was born as JavaPolis
The Foojay Java User Group World Tour has already brought us all over the world. In this episode, the host decided to stay at home in Belgium!
- Frank Delporte,
- Tom Cools
Statically Spilling Your (Spring) Beans
There are some edge cases where you want to access Spring Beans in a static method, while you should always try to avoid this.
- Tom Cools
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