Friends of OpenJDK Today

Foojay Status Report: July – December 2021

January 13, 2022


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    Geertjan Wielenga

    Geertjan is Senior Director of Open Source Projects at Azul and holds an LL.M in European Union Law from the University of Amsterdam.

Another 6 months are behind us... and let's take a look at some stats on Foojay, a central resource and community platform for friends of OpenJDK. (The previous report is here.)

In the back of my mind, in the first full year of Foojay, it would have been great to have had 50K unique visitors and 100K sessions, in terms of Google Analytics. Below is the actual result over the whole of last year, i.e., significantly more unique visitors and sessions than anticipated: 84K unique visitors and 131K sessions.

The chart shows steady growth over the year, with some significant spikes, the first being around the announcement of the Foojay Board and the Foojay room at FOSDEM 2021, the second an article by Wim, Better Error Handling for Your Spring Boot REST APIs, the third (the biggest spike) is Deepu's Demystifying JVM Memory Management, Bazlur's great Java threading series starting here, and the last big spike is around articles connected to log4j.

How does the first half of the year compare to the second half of the year? Well, take a look, the first image shows the first half of the year and the second shows the second half of the year:

In other words, Foojay doubled in usage from the first half to the second half of the year.

Congrats everyone and that's a really nice trend!

Onwards to 2022, let's see what this year brings... first and most important of all is the upcoming Friends of OpenJDK room at FOSDEM. See you there!

Note: Thanks to Yelk for all their development work on!

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  • Avatar photo
    Geertjan Wielenga

    Geertjan is Senior Director of Open Source Projects at Azul and holds an LL.M in European Union Law from the University of Amsterdam.

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