Find out how the JVM handles many tasks that you, as a developer, don’t want and need to take care of compared to other languages.
Java Performance: Ahead-Of-Time versus Just-In-Time
The impact of the Just-In-Time (JIT) compiler should not be underestimated to achieve the best performing code during runtime.
Kicking Spring Native’s Tires
I’ve been playing with GraalVM Ahead-Of-Time compilation capability since I became aware of it.
As a long-time Spring aficionado, I carefully monitored the efforts that the engineers at Tanzu have put into making Spring AOT-compatible. Recently, they announced the beta version of the integration.
In this post, I want to check how easy it is to produce a (working!) Docker image from an existing Spring Boot application.
Cloud Myth: Ahead of Time Compilation Will Save You Money
The two main advantages of Java AOT natively compiled microservice frameworks are rapid boot times and reduced JVM memory usage. While technically impressive, the reality is that neither of these advantages delivers a significant economic or technical advantage when deploying to public clouds.
Many Jakarta EE runtimes (like Payara Micro) are small and fast. They can run Jakarta EE applications as either monoliths or microservices in the cloud now, with no need to adapt or rewrite your applications to proprietary frameworks.