Table of Contents What is Structured Concurrency?How Structured Concurrency Works?Benefits of Strutured ConcurrencyConclusionReferences In today’s era of cloud computing, where high-performance infrastructure is readily available, developers face a complex challenge in achieving efficient concurrency. While modern technological advancements have brought …
How JVM handles exceptions
Table of Contents ExampleException tableBytecode instructionsTry-catch-finally flowLess nice flowSummarized flow It’s interesting to know how the JVM runs bytecode instructions… But do you know what is going on when an exception is thrown? How does the JVM handle the delegation …
Foojay Podcast #64: Interviews at JFall about open source, OpenJDK evolutions, Project Loom, JVM, and more!
Table of Contents VideoPodcast (audio only)GuestsContent Let’s wrap up this year with more interviews from the JFall conference. In this episode you’ll learn more about Foojay, JVM internals and writing your own programming language, Project Loom and structured concurrency, learning …
Foojay Podcast #63: How do we keep our Java applications up to date and secure?
Table of Contents Last month, I published a Foojay article about the risks in systems that are stuck on old or outdated Java versions and got a lot of feedback from developers. Most of them want to move on but …
How Organizations Became Stuck on Outdated Java Versions
Table of Contents Reasons to Stick to 8Managers Blocking UpgradesCost of UpgradingProduction EnvironmentCompatibilityBreaking Changes in OpenJDKEducationVarious Other Reasons…More Reasons to UpgradeSuccess StoryConclusion My recent article “Why Java 8 is a Ticking Time Bomb Hiding Within Your Organization” triggered quit some …
Hot Class Reload in Java: A Webpack HMR-Like Experience for Java Developers
Table of Contents Understanding Hot Class ReloadHow It WorksSystem Flow DiagramImplementing Hot Class ReloadCustom Class LoaderConclusion In the world of software development, time is everything. Every developer knows the frustration of waiting for a full application restart just to see …
Why Java 8 is a Ticking Time Bomb Hiding Within Your Organization
Table of Contents Critical Reasons to UpgradeFixed Security VulnerabilitiesPerformance ImprovementsDeveloper ProductivityReduced Business CostReady for Cloud NativeReasons to Do NothingRead MoreConclusion When I spoke to developers at Devoxx in Belgium in October, I was surprised to learn how many of them …
Exploring New Features in JDK 23: Module Design Pattern with JEP-476
Table of Contents Module design pattern before Java 9Pushing modularization forward with JEP-476ConclusionReferences Although the module design pattern can be implemented in many different ways, the main motivation behind using it remains the same. This is the isolation of a …
Learn About How Your Peers Use Java!
Do you ever wonder what OpenJDK distributions and what Java versions your peers are using? Java-based infrastructures and languages? How many are using Java to code AI functionality? How Java workloads are affecting cloud compute costs? Azul has been gathering …
Book Review: Mastering the Java Virtual Machine
Table of Contents Part 1: Understanding the JVMPart 2: Memory Management and ExecutionPart 3: Alternative JVMsPart 4: Advanced Java TopicsConclusionRecommendation Otávio Santana’s “Mastering the Java Virtual Machine” takes readers on an insightful journey through the inner workings of the JVM. …
Deep dive into bits, bytes, shorts, ints, longs, signed, and unsigned with Java
Table of Contents The Basics: BitsBits to ByteValue Ranges in JavaDifference between Byte, Short, Integer and LongMinimum and maximum values in JavaSigned versus UnsignedUsing MasksUsing Helper MethodsSame Approach for ShortExample use of BitsConclusionRemark On the Pi4J discussion list, someone recently …