How to get ultra-fast startup of your Java apps without developer experience compromises.
Serverless is the New Timeshare
Remember mainframes? Serverless is that: we own the machine and you rent out time on our big iron. We went full circle on progress…
Ignore Infrastructure: Concentrate on Code with Jakarta EE and Payara Cloud
What used to take days or weeks of frustration getting the infrastructure set up to run an application in the Cloud is now automated when you use Payara Cloud.
Why a Serverless Data API Might be Your Next Database
Serverless data offers benefits, but market offerings are limited. What serverless data can, should, or could do isn’t always understood.
Kotlin and FaaS: An Impossible Union?
Why the JVM platform is a bad idea for FaaS and a proposal for alternatives to use Kotlin nonetheless.
Cloud Myth: Ahead of Time Compilation Will Save You Money
The two main advantages of Java AOT natively compiled microservice frameworks are rapid boot times and reduced JVM memory usage. While technically impressive, the reality is that neither of these advantages delivers a significant economic or technical advantage when deploying to public clouds.
Many Jakarta EE runtimes (like Payara Micro) are small and fast. They can run Jakarta EE applications as either monoliths or microservices in the cloud now, with no need to adapt or rewrite your applications to proprietary frameworks.