My recent article “Why Java 8 is a Ticking Time Bomb Hiding Within Your Organization” triggered quit some reactions… and so I went a step further and asked on social media: “Why is your company still on Java 8 (or …
Why Java 8 is a Ticking Time Bomb Hiding Within Your Organization
When I spoke to developers at Devoxx in Belgium in October, I was surprised to learn how many of them are maintaining systems that are still running on Java 8 (released in 2014). One of them even still has a …
My opinion on the Tauri framework
Tauri is a Rust-based framework for building desktop applications. Here’s my view.
Five Java Developer Must-Haves For Ultra-Fast Startup Solutions
How to get ultra-fast startup of your Java apps without developer experience compromises.
Why I moved my blog to RIFE2 after 23 years?
In April 2023, I decided to move my 23-year-old blog to RIFE2, a no-dependencies full-stack Java framework…
State of Open (Source?!) and Free AI – a FOSDEM recap
Recap of spending the day in AI and Machine Learning Developer Room at FOSDEM’24!
Where do you get your Java?
Today’s Java is vastly different, although it is still true to its root principles of robustness, portability, and ease of programming. Your options for where to get your Java have similarly evolved.
So, you might be wondering: Are they all the same? If not, what differentiates them? How do I know which one to use?
Unexpected Things That Make You a Senior Developer
In the end, it’s essential to keep in mind that people will mostly remember how you reacted to a disaster.
Everything Bad in Java is Good for You
I love the premise of disrupting the conventional narrative and was reminded of that constantly when debating some of the more controversial features and problems in Java. It’s a feature, not a bug…
Domain-Deadline-Dog-Driven Development
Many Something-Driven Developments are available nowadays! Which are your favorites and are you going to introduce to your company or team?
Evaluating Apache APISIX vs. Spring Cloud Gateway
In this article, I’d like to share my understanding of Spring Cloud Gateway and how it compares to Apache APISIX.