Experience the ease and efficiency of Spring Framework RestClient. Simplify your RESTful API integration and unlock the full potential of your applications.
Journeys in Java, Level 10: Service Discovery with Eureka
Eureka is a service discovery project that helps services interact with one another without hardwiring in instance-specific or environment-dependent details.
Coroutines on the RaspberryPi (Pi4J-Kotlin)
Find out all the details on Pi4J-Kotlin v2.4.0: Coroutines, I2C, and Serial DSL on Foojay.io Today, the place for OpenJDK friends.
Gossips: An Event-Bus in a Chatty Neighbourhood
Using Metaphorical Programming to create an Event-Bus, a global pub-sub component to enable cross-component communication.
Kotlin on the RaspberryPi (Pi4J-Kotlin)
Learn about Pi4J-Kotlin, providing a Kotlin DSL for the already-mature Pi4J V2 API and take full advantage of Kotlin on the RaspberryPi!
Building Reactive Java Applications with Spring Framework
Pretty much all Java developers are familiar with Spring Pet Clinic. In this article, we have given a walkthrough of the reactive implementation of it using Apache Cassandra.