Learn how to create a Java command-line tool with JBang and PicoCLI to automate generating release notes from GitHub.
Using my new Raspberry Pi to run an existing GitHub Action
Recently, I mentioned how I refactored the script that kept my GitHub profile up-to-date. Since Geecon Prague, I’m also a happy owner of a Raspberry Pi.
Foojay Podcast #36: J-Fall Report, Part 3
In this part, hear about Maven, contributing to Open Source projects, JOOQ, Desktop Applications, Thymeleaf, htmx, and Security.
Contributing to Open Source Software: Creating a Pull Request
Let’s take a look at contributing to Open Source Software, specifically how to create an open source pull request (PR).
Renovate: Dependabot Alternative
Compared to Dependabot, I love Renovate’s capability to update Docker, Docker Compose, and Kubernetes files. I’ll use it from now on.
Securely Authenticate to Google Cloud from GitHub
Did you know GitHub and Google Cloud have all the infrastructure available to get short-lived tokens securely? Handy for Java devs and more!
How To Beautify Your GitHub Repo
Time to spruce up your GitHub! In this article, I want to highlight some files that you can use to beautify your GitHub repository.
Lights, Camera, Action: GitHub Actions with Java (Part 3)
The Java GitHub Actions that rules them all! Hey, everyone check Carl Dea’s 3rd and final instalment Lights, Camera, Action: GitHub Actions with Java
Lights, Camera, Action: GitHub Actions with Java (Part 2)
When picking a build distribution with the current version of GitHub Actions setup-java@v2 you really only have two choices: zulu or temurin.
Lights, Camera, Action: GitHub Actions with Java (Part 1)
Learn how to create a GitHub Action job that will build and test a Java-based project using Maven or Gradle.
Git Archeology: Go Back & Forward in Time
Most people will start with using “git blame” (or the respective functionality within their IDE/editor).
But on most non-trivial projects, you usually end up with a refactoring commit, a rename, or a trivial cross-project fix like switching to another assertion library. At first glance, we only see the most recent changes, not the most important ones.
We need to carefully remove layer by layer of sand and dirt that has been swept over the real changes to unearth them.