Optional is a Java class that provides a way to handle null values in a type-safe and efficient manner. It can help you avoid null pointer exceptions, simplify your code, and improve its readability and maintainability. This tutorial will cover the features and use cases of Optional in Java, with practical examples of how to use it for handling nulls
Top 10 Java Language Features
Let’s explore ten Java programming features used frequently by developers in their day-to-day programming jobs.
Handling Null: Optional and Nullable Types
Java is infamous for its NullPointerException: calling a method or accessing an attribute of an object that has not been initialized.
Let’s Use Optional to Fix Method Contracts
Optional is a mystery box, a wrapping paper: it may or may not contain the value. When we specify that in a method signature, we assume that the box might be empty.
Soprano ofNullable stream Java Challenge
Since Java 9, it’s possible to use Optional with a stream when we need to manipulate values from a List.
In this Java Challenge, we will explore the use of a stream in an Optional!
Are you ready to solve this Java Challenge? It’s time to improve your Java skills with this Soprano ofNullable stream Challenge…
Optional takeWhile dropWhile Java Challenge
The Optional concept is present in many programming languages. The main goal of the Optional class is to avoid NullPointerException. It’s much easier to deal with null values when we use the concepts of an Optional.
In this challenge, we will also explore the takeWhile and dropWhile methods from Java 9. Therefore you will be upgrading your knowledge with Optional, takeWhile, and dropWhile!
Are you prepared to have fun with this Java Challenge and refine your Java skills?
This week, I learned about a nifty “new” feature of Optional that I want to share in this post. It’s available since Java 9, so its novelty is relative.
We start with a sequence to compute the total price of an order, for which it is nowadays more adequate to use streams instead of iterations.
Optional makes the code less readable! I believe that readability should trump code style every single time.
Fortunately, Optional offers a stream() method (since Java 9). It allows to simplify the functional pipeline. Functional code doesn’t necessarily mean readable code. With the last changes, I believe it’s both.