Hello, and welcome back to this series of articles on creating a JavaFX world clock.
In Part 5 below, we will be looking at JavaFX’s WebView API to display an HTML Web page containing a 2D map (Mercator projection).
To render the 2D map I will be using the popular Leaflet JS library. This will enable the World Clock App to let the user explore map locations based on GPS coordinates (latitude & longitude).
Beginning JavaFX Applications with IntelliJ IDE
This article is for the beginner who wants to get started developing JavaFX applications using IntelliJ IDE.
While this article may seem elementary for some, I believe it can help newcomers to the JavaFX platform avoid some pitfalls and really hit the ground running.
Creating a JavaFX World Clock from Scratch (Part 3)
Do you ever get bored of the plain old UI Forms? Often, UI forms will have nice visual cues and validation icons as feedback when the user has typed something incorrectly.
In Part 3, I’ll be discussing the UI form section of the JavaFX World Clock that allows the user to add and modify timezone locations. While building Java apps using the new module system can be a bit of a challenge, here I will show you how I was able to successfully build a modern MVC based JavaFX UI!
Creating a JavaFX World Clock from Scratch (Part 2)
In this part of the series, you’ll get a chance to use some math and trig skills to determine how to position parts of the hour hand.
After learning how to convert the math to usable functions, you get a chance to see JavaFX’s FXML annotations to reference nodes on the scene graph.
Lastly, you’re able to see animations of the hour hand move about the clock face.