Nicolas Frankel168 articles
Table of Contents The one giant cluster approachBetter resource utilizationLower operational overheadStraightforward networking and service communicationSimplified governanceCost efficiencyDownsides of a one giant cluster approachLarger blast radiusComplex multi-tenancy managementScalability limitsCluster-wide objectsWhat’s the ideal size, then?vClusterHow vCluster mitigates the downsides of a …

- Nicolas Frankel
WebAssembly on Kubernetes
Table of Contents My approach and the use caseBaseline: regular Rust-to-nativeAdapting to WebAssemblyRunning the Wasm image on DockerRunning the Wasm image on KubernetesFinal stepsConclusion Like a couple of innovative technologies, different people have different viewpoints on where WebAssembly fits the …
- Nicolas Frankel
Pull request testing on Kubernetes: testing locally and on GitHub workflows
Table of Contents Unit testing vs. integration testingTestcontainersUse-case: application with database”Unit” testing”Integration” testingThe GitHub workflowAlternative “Unit testing” on GitHubConclusion Imagine an organization with the following practices: Commits code on GitHub Runs its CI/CD pipelines with GitHub Actions Runs its production …
Pull Request testing on Kubernetes: Working with GitHub Actions and GKE
Table of Contents Building and storing the imageSizing the clusterAuthenticate on Google Cloud from a GitHub workflowWorking within the GitHub workflowCreate a Kubernetes manifestSetting the correct GitHub image tagAccessing the private GitHub registry from GKEGet the PostgreSQL connection parametersGetting the …
- Nicolas Frankel
Pull request testing on Kubernetes: vCluster for isolation and costs control
Table of Contents Weaving vCluster into the GitHub workflowChanges to the workflowCleaning upConclusion This week’s article is the third and final in my series about running tests on Kubernetes for each pull request. In the first post, I described the …
- Nicolas Frankel
Book Review: DuckDB in Action
Table of Contents FactsChaptersPros and consConclusion Disclaimer: this post includes affiliate links; I may receive compensation if you purchase the book from the different links provided in this post. This review is about DuckDB in Action by JoMark Needham, Michael …
- Nicolas Frankel
Remote Development Made Simple with DevPod
Table of Contents The problemDevelopment ContainersIntroducing DevPodConclusion I come relatively late to the subject of Remote Development Environments (also known as Cloud Development Environments). The main reason is that I haven’t worked in a development team for over six years. …
- Nicolas Frankel
My first steps with Playwright
Table of Contents The contextGetting my feet wetStoring cookiesAdapting to realityConclusion In my previous company, I developed a batch job that tracked metrics across social media, such as Twitter, LinkedIn, Mastodon, Bluesky, Reddit, etc. Then I realized I could duplicate …
- Nicolas Frankel
A solution to the problem of cluster-wide CRDs
Table of Contents A short intro to CRDsThe issue with cluster-wide CRDsThe separate clusters approachvCluster, a sensible alternativeConclusion I’m an average Reddit user, scrolling much more than reading or interacting. Sometimes, however, a post rings a giant red bell. When …
An Example of HACS: Adaptive Lighting
Table of Contents The Home Assistant Community StoreAdaptive LightingConclusion In the previous post of this focus, we replaced Philips Hue automation with the one from Home Assistant. One significant gap we noticed was that Home Assistant doesn’t automatically adjust the …
- Nicolas Frankel
2024 in Retrospective: Nicolas Frankel
Table of Contents I lost my job (and found a new one)I’m using more and more AITechnical contentComparing social mediaSummary For the first article of 2025, I’m continuing my retrospective series! As last year, before diving in into the report …
- Nicolas Frankel