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Foojay Podcast #50: JCON Report, Part 2 – Maven, Software Security, Code Quality
This is part 2 of the interviews we recorded at the JCON conference earlier this month in Germany. In this episode, you get two main topics: Maven and Code Quality.
Effective cloud-native Java app development with Open Liberty in IntelliJ IDEA
How to use Liberty Tools for IntelliJ IDEA to enable rapid, easy, and efficient development of cloud-native Java applications with Liberty.
OpenRewrite: Migrate to Spring Boot 3.2
Simplify your migration process to Spring Boot 3.2 with the help of OpenRewrite.
(Semantic) Versioning your Java libraries
Refine Java library versions seamlessly with Semantic Versioning, ensuring compatibility and efficient upgrades. Learn More!
C2 Might Be Slowing Down Your Builds
Disabling C2 can be an option to speed up builds of smaller Java applications in CI systems, mainly when restricted to one or two CPU cores.
My Final Take on Gradle (vs. Maven)
Software development is a fast-changing field, and much of our understanding is based on personal experience. So here’s mine.
Build Rot: The Hidden Technical Debt in Maven and Gradle Builds
Explore the impact of Build Rot on build speed and test times, offering strategies for enhanced observability and Developer Productivity Engineering to optimize build processes.
Foojay Podcast #26: The Future of Source Control and CI/CD
We have seen evolutions from CVS to Subversion to Git. Is this the endpoint? Did we find the holy grail? What evolutions are waiting for us?
Rolling Binary Trees: A Guide to Common Design Patterns in Java
In this article, we introduce a linear-time algorithm for rolling binary trees and implement it in Java, by utilizing common design patterns.
Analyzing Dependencies in IntelliJ IDEA
Use IntelliJ IDEA to analyze dependencies in your project. Use the Dependency Analyzer to find specific dependencies, show conflicts and more, or use the Dependency Diagram in IntelliJ IDEA Ultimate.