CRaC11 articles
With CRaC, Coordinated Restore at Checkpoint, you can optimize for fast app startup on the JVM. Learn about the benefits of Java on CRaC.
Table of Contents Demo ApplicationGoal of the ApplicationRunning the ApplicationConclusion Coordinated Restore at Checkpoint (CRaC) is a JDK project initiated by Azul. With CRaC, you can start Java programs with a shorter time to the first transaction and less time …
Warp: the new CRaC engine
CRaC has a new C/R engine that does not need extra privileges: Warp.
Foojay Podcast #55: Embedded Java, Part 2
In this episode #55, we look into the history of the Java Micro Edition and how things evolved.
Foojay Podcast #52: JCON Report, Part 4 – Garbage Collectors, Intelligence Cloud, Test Containers and Flaky Tests, ToxiProxy, Structured Concurrency, Virtual Threads
Garbage Collectors, Intelligence Cloud, Test Containers and Flaky Tests, ToxiProxy, Structured Concurrency, and Virtual Threads!
SpringBoot 3.2 + CRaC
To test the new support for CRaC in SpringBoot 3.2, let’s use the SpringBoot Petclinic demo.
Gerrit and Ivar’s North America JUG Tour!
Because I will be in the US this month, I decided to do a little Java User Group tour again. Ivar Grimstad from the Eclipse Foundation will join me and we will visit a couple of JUGs.
Running a CRaC Java application on Raspberry Pi
Did you know that CRaC on embedded / Raspberry Pi is definitely possible and dramatically improves startup time?
Reduce Java Application Startup and Warmup Times with CRaC and Join the CRaC Forum
Today Azul announces the general availability of Azul Zulu Builds of OpenJDK for Java 17 with CRaC support in x86, 64-bit configurations.
How to Run a Java Application with CRaC in a Docker Container
CRaC is an OpenJDK project developed by Azul to solve the problem of “slow” startup times of the JVM in a microservice environment.
Azul Provides the CRaC in AWS SnapStart Builds
Now, with a major Cloud platform providing built-in support for the CRaC API, it’s truly off to the races for CRaC.
Superfast Application Startup: Java on CRaC
If you want a superfast startup for your Java applications without warmup time or resources, why not try Java on CRaC?