Table of Contents Step 1: Create an Application in EntraCreate App RoleAssign UsersCreate Client SecretStep 2: Configure OAuth2 with Entra in our ApplicationAdd DependenciesConfigure the ApplicationEnable Entra SecurityConfigure Role PrefixRoles in ActionStep 3: Setup Karibu TestingSummary Many companies use Microsoft …
Pseudorandom Number Generator – The Secret Behind Santa’s Gift Bag
Table of Contents Random Numbers and Why They MatterRandom Number GeneratorsPseudorandom Number Generators in JavaConclusion On a snowy Christmas Eve, Santa sets off on his journey around the world, gliding through the night sky on his sleigh to deliver presents …
Foojay Podcast #63: How do we keep our Java applications up to date and secure?
Table of Contents Last month, I published a Foojay article about the risks in systems that are stuck on old or outdated Java versions and got a lot of feedback from developers. Most of them want to move on but …
Prevent LDAP injection in Java with SpringBoot
In this article, we dive into the basics of LDAP (Lightweight Directory Access Protocol)—a powerful protocol used to manage directory information like user authentication, authorization, and centralized account management in IT systems. 🌐👨💻
We also explore LDAP Injection, a common security vulnerability 🛡️ where attackers manipulate LDAP queries to:
⚠️ Bypass authentication
⚠️ Access unauthorized data
⚠️ Modify directory entriesLearn how these attacks work, the risks they pose, and, most importantly, how to protect your systems with secure coding practices like input sanitization and parameterized queries. ✅💻
Whether you’re an IT professional, developer, or just curious about cybersecurity, this article is your crash course on LDAP and LDAP Injection! 🚀✨
Foojay Podcast #58: How Java Developers Can Secure Their Code
Table of Contents VideoPodcast (audio only)GuestsJonathan VilaBrian VermeerErik CostlowContent Three years after Log4Shell caused a significant security issue, we still struggle with insecure dependencies and injection problems. In this podcast, we’ll discuss how developers can secure their code. I talked …
The Persistent Threat: Why Major Vulnerabilities Like Log4Shell and Spring4Shell Remain Significant
Table of Contents The developer’s dilemmaThe current state of Log4shellMore than 20% of companies are still vulnerable to Log4shell.Spring4Shell in the wildWakeup call to all who maintain applications This article was originally published at As developers, we’re constantly juggling …
Java: Where the Wild Code Isn’t
In the last several years, the OpenJDK community has made Java significantly safer for users and developers while at the same time making it easier to design, build, and run applications quickly.
Java users should incorporate several practices to take full benefit from the defenses of the modern JRE.
Top Security Flaws Hiding In Your Code Right Now: And How To Fix Them
Let’s examine the three most common injection attack types—SQL injection, Deserialization Injection, and Logging Injection—and discuss ways to prevent them.
Four Easy Ways to Analyze your Java and Kotlin Code for Security Problems
Nowadays, the security of your applications is just as important as the functionality they provide.
IBM Semeru Runtimes for Java includes FIPS 140-3 certified cryptography
IBM Semeru Runtimes for Java 11+ includes FIPS 140-3 cryptography certified by the U.S. National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST).
Unsupported OpenJDK Distributions are at Risk of Non-Compliance with DORA
Read the only logical conclusion of reading DORA in the context of OpenJDK, assuming that it has meaning and intent in the context of OpenJDK or any ICT asset that is vulnerable to the risk that DORA seeks to mitigate.