Since about a year ago, the Foojay community has a group of people that are working on a book with tips and information on Sustainable Software Engineering.
Achieving High Throughput Without Sacrificing Latency
Low latency coding techniques are designed to keep a processor core as busy as possible, executing at its full potential and so getting work done as quickly as possible.
Foojay Podcast #38: Java in the Cloud
Cloud servers, Docker, Kubernetes, distributed systems, scaling up and down… these things are now part of our daily job, but Java wasn’t originally designed for it.
State of Java Survey 2024
Do you ever wonder what OpenJDK distributions and what Java versions your peers are using? What Java versions?
FinOps: Tim O’Brien at Walmart
“Java and my experience with the Java community and open source are what brought me to this role, but these days my focus is entirely on Cloud cost, budget, and ideas for efficiency.”
FinOps: John Stuart at Azul
“Wouldn’t it be great to use a Java Virtual Machine (JVM) to be 30% more performant? That is a win for both Engineering and Finance.”