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Foojay Podcast #26: The Future of Source Control and CI/CD
We have seen evolutions from CVS to Subversion to Git. Is this the endpoint? Did we find the holy grail? What evolutions are waiting for us?
SolarWinds Hack And The Executive Order Of Cybersecurity: What Does This Mean For Us?
In the past two years, we have had to learn a lot about cybersecurity. New attack vectors are becoming more and more sophisticated and are directed more and more against the value chain in general.
But what does that mean for us? What can be done about it, and what reactions have the state already taken?
The Lifecycle of a Security Vulnerability
Again and again, we read in the IT news about new security gaps that have been identified.
Most of the time, you don’t even hear or read anything about all the security holes found that are not as well known as the SolarWinds Hack, for example.
But what is the typical lifecycle of such a security gap?
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