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JavaFX Links of October 2023

October 31, 2023


  • Avatar photo
    Frank Delporte

    Frank Delporte (@frankdelporte) is a Java Champion, Java Developer, Technical Writer at Azul, Blogger, Author of "Getting started with Java on Raspberry Pi", and Pi4J Contributor. Frank blogs about his ... Learn more

Thanks to the Devoxx conference, there are many hours you can spend on JavaFX-related videos!

But as every month, there is a lot more to read and learn about JavaFX...

Have fun with this overview of the "JavaFX LinksOfTheWeek" that got published on during October.


  • Last month Java and JavaFX 21 were released. And Johan Vos already had an update: "JavaFX 22-ea+11 has just been released to maven central (and on This contains the much anticipated memory improvements :)"
    • "This contains a major change in some CSS processing, see this commit by John Hendrikx, that leads to improved performance (less GC). Please test and evaluate."
  • Kevin Rushforth and Johan Vos had a BOF at Devoxx in Antwerp.
    • During this BOF, some of the new features that could be included in JavaFX 22 were presented:
    • Platform APIs
    • (unlikely) CSS theming
    • InputMap/Behavior
    • Feedback was asked from the users regarding blocking issues in JavaFX itself to be able to build more amazing stuff:
    • Removal of remaining AWT dependencies.
    • Full integration with the desktop (alerts, dark/light,...).
    • Missing 3D point and line drawing methods.
  • JavaFX 21.0.1 and JavaFX 17.0.9 are now available for download from the Gluon website and from Maven Central. "Enjoy Java on the client!".


  • Version 21 is now available!
    • Refactored: Clean up DocumentWatchingController
    • Uses JDK and JavaFX 21
    • Contributors:
      • Abhinay Agarwal
      • Almas Baim
      • José Pereda
  • Scene Builder 21.0.1 RC1 is available for testing.



Components, Libraries, Tools

  • A new library announcement by Pedro Duque Vieira, FXThemes: "It is a Java library that contains classes to help in advanced JavaFX theme development. Right now, it contains helper classes to change the appearance of a native window frame as well as the backdrop of JavaFX native Windows." The announcement page also contains more info about the reason of providing this functionality in a new library.
    • True Dark Mode on Windows10 will be available soon in a new release of FXThemes: "Win10 is the most used Windows version (Windows being the most used OS). This was a pain to implement. Native code is different from win11. On win10 this API is undocumented."
  • GemsFX 1.82.0 by Dirk Lemmermann with:
    • Early access version of a TreeNodeView with many configuration options (added by LeeWyatt)
    • Gives you controls / pickers for: choosing a date, choosing a date range, choosing a month, choosing a year, choosing a time, choosing a duration.
    • See the DateRangePicker control in action here.
  • JPro announced version 2023.3.0: JavaFX 21 is used by default, and many more improvements!
    • And version 2023.3.1 with a critical bugfix to handle bot traffic better, and a new feature regarding MimeTypes.

Podcast, Video, Books


  • Please keep an eye on Edward Nyirenda Jr's website as he keeps on giving! For instance, "JavaFX with Gradle" was published this month.


  • Pedro Duque Vieira shares a video to illustrate that a JavaFX scene graph can handle a lot of nodes: "The view on the left is using retained mode rendering. There are more than 1k nodes visible at a time and yet without major optimizations it runs fine. Tip: No need to rush to a Canvas implementation (immediate mode)."
  • Impressive 3D results by OrangoMango, considering he is running it on a Raspberry Pi: "If I render the triangles, the application runs at 5 fps.".
  • Homebookner shared a link to an interesting project by Sheikah45: FX2J - FXML to Java Builder: a post-processor that converts fxml files into Java builder source files.
  • Christopher Schnick reported some issues on new gnome-based desktops, e.g. on Ubuntu 23: "For the JavaFX devs who use the system tray, note that there are various GTK issues. If you are using FXTrayIcon, your app will freeze."

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  • Avatar photo
    Frank Delporte

    Frank Delporte (@frankdelporte) is a Java Champion, Java Developer, Technical Writer at Azul, Blogger, Author of "Getting started with Java on Raspberry Pi", and Pi4J Contributor. Frank blogs about his ... Learn more

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