JReleaser 0.7.0 Released!
- September 29, 2021
- 2447 Unique Views
- < 1 min read
JReleaser is a tool that streamlines creating releases for [Java] projects.
It can create a GitHub/GitLab/Gitea release, while also packaging binaries for Homebrew, Snapcraft, Docker, Chocolatey, Scoop, JBang and, more than that, announces releases to Twitter, SdkMan!, e-mail, Zulip, Discord, Gitter, Slack, Teams, and more.
This is a small release as core features are mostly complete:
- JDKs: The jdks-gradle-plugin now unpacks the chosen JDK distribution in a subdirectory that matches the configured named. This is a breaking change! Additionally, tasks for removing cached JDKs were also added.
- GitHub: Linking a release to a discussion is automatically skipped if the release is a draft or early access.
- Changelog: You can now specify if a full or partial changelog should be generated when the release is early access.
- Homebrew: Fixes automatic generation of Cask v.s Formula.
- Release: You may skip creating a release but keep the tag. This is useful for the case when you’d like to push release assets via an uploader but want to skip creating a Git release.
Full changelog can be found at the v0.7.0 release page.
More information about the tool can be found at https://jreleaser.org.
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