The Evolution Continues. GlassFish, which used to be a popular application server, free to use and reliable, is evolving again. If you’ve been holding onto your old GlassFish instances, there’s good news—things have gotten a lot more exciting recently. Since we …
Creating cloud-native Java applications with the 12-factor app methodology
Learn how you could create cloud-native Java apps that are portable, scalable, and reliable with the 12 factor app methodology.
Foojay Podcast #51: JCON Report, Part 3 – Persistence, Evolving your Career, Jakarta EE, GlassFish, Messaging via Telegram
This is part 3 of Frank’s JCON interviews, featuring multiple people, on Jakarta EE, GlassFish, and a PET project with messaging via Telegram, and more!
Payara Cloud Hackathon is Open for Sign-ups!
We’re excited to announce that the 2nd edition of Payara Hackathon is now open for sign ups!
Build Flexible Jakarta EE Applications With Apache CouchDB NoSQL Database
Are you a Jakarta EE developer interested in leveraging the power of NoSQL databases for your applications?
Payara Platform Roadmap 2024
Read on to find out more about Payara Rodmap in the coming months – Java 21 compatibility, the upcoming Jakarta EE 11 and our plan for support, and more!
GlassFish Embedded – a simple way to run Jakarta EE apps
Jan Blavins shares how builds both server component and a client component in his project using the GlassFish Embedded container with little effort.
Getting Started With Apache Camel On Jakarta EE 10
Apache Camel is a Java library that allows for effortless integration of disparate systems using uniformed, readable and maintainable constructs.
How to Upgrade to Jakarta EE 10 and GlassFish 7: It’s Much Easier Than You Think!
We’ll explain everything you need to know before upgrading to Jakarta EE 10 and guide you to complete the upgrade successfully and in almost no time.
Exploring Java Records In A Jakarta EE Context
This article explores the adoption of Java Records in a Jakarta EE application as a data transfer and projection object.
OmniFish Jakarta EE Survey 2022
Want to have a say in what happens for the next version of Jakarta EE? Check out the new edition of the Jakarta EE Survey 2022 by OmniFish!