Although the module design pattern can be implemented in many different ways, the main motivation behind using it remains the same. This is the isolation of a specific section into small building blocks, which are the so-called modules. Therefore, the …
Exploring New Features in JDK 23: Just-Write-And-Run prototyping with JEP-477 not only for beginners
It seems like it’s never been easier to start writing a simple program that can be turned into a more advanced one as development progresses. Let’s explore possibilities delivered by JDK 23 release. From the early days, Java may have …
Exploring New Features in JDK 23: Gatherers upgrades pipeline design pattern JEP-473
Source-code flexibility goes hand in hand with maintainability and testability. The Java language benefits not only from its maturity but also from the fact that it is strongly typed. This may initiate possible discussion topics, as each defined variable requires …
Exploring New Features in JDK 23: Builder Pattern Simplicity with JEP-455 Primitive Types in Patterns, instanceof, and switch (Preview)
The runtime initiation of any program requires allocating a given memory and after many additional steps the first object could be created. In a previous post, we explored how to improve maintainability of complex creation processes by using the factory …
Exploring New Features in JDK 23: Null object pattern to avoid null pointer exception with JEP-455
The newest release JDK 23 [2] comes with a neat extension to pattern matching for switch and instanceof statements, JEP-455: Primitive Types in Patterns, instanceof and switch [1]. While the introduction of pattern matching can be considered a crucial element …
Exploring New Features in JDK 23: Factory Pattern with Flexible Constructor Bodies with JEP-482
Since the introduction of the new JDK release cadence, we have seen an incredible amount of new enhancements added to each JDK cycle, kicking the Java platform back on track compared to other languages. Source code maintainability plays a very …
Java 23 Has Arrived, And It Brings a Truckload of Changes
Java 23 has arrived! It’s been six months since Java 22 was released, so it’s time for a fresh truckload of JEPs. In this article, we take you on a tour of everything that is part of this release, giving …