Java 23 has arrived! It’s been six months since Java 22 was released, so it’s time for a fresh truckload of JEPs. In this article, we take you on a tour of everything that is part of this release, giving …
Java 23: What’s New?
This new version of Java is rather sparse in terms of new features, and few of those currently under development have made it out of the preview.
Foojay Podcast #56: Vectors in Java Code, Databases, and LLMs
In this Foojay podcast, we enter the world of mathematics by discussing Vectors and how they are crucial for AI and machine learning.
Exploring New Features in JDK 23: Simplifying Java with Module Import Declarations with JEP 476
JEP 476 represents a significant step towards simplifying Java programming by reducing boilerplate code and improving readability.
Foojay Podcast #47: Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning with Java
The way we search for information and develop software has changed a lot since then as the use of Artificial Intelligence suddenly became a lot easier. What can we expect in the near future?
JUG Munich hosts the JCP Executive Committee meeting to 25th anniversary of JCP
This year, the first meeting of the JCP Executive Committee will take place in Munich with the support of MicroDoc.
Java 22 Is Here, And It’s Ready To Rock
Java 22 is here, and it’s ready to rock! Boasting a set of 12 JEPs, it finalizes features like ‘unnamed variables and patterns’ and previews new ones like ‘statements before super(…)’ and ‘stream gatherers’ .
Java 22: What’s New?
As soon as Java 22 is out, it’ll be time to walk through all the functionalities that this version bring to us as developers.
Foojay Podcast #45: Welcome to Java 22
Last September, we got Java 21, a Long Term Support (LTS) version with eight new big features and seven incubator or preview features. Does Java 22 also bring that much innovation, or is it “just” a bug-fix release?
Revolutionising Java Collections: The Advent of Sequenced Collections in Java 21
Addressing a long-standing gap in the collections framework, JEP 431 not only enhances the language’s capabilities but also simplifies our development experience with the language.
Live (re)compile, (re)load, (re)execute Java code in 100 LoC
In this article, we’ll write a program (The Reloader) to easily play with Java code without the need to know how to compile or run the code or print the result.