Does stack size have an impact on the number of native threads that can be created in a JVM environment?
The Curious Case of Different Runtimes
Strange runtime behavior when presenting different training data to the JIT. We show how we diagnosed and condense down to a few test cases.
The Anatomy of a JVM
Find out how the JVM handles many tasks that you, as a developer, don’t want and need to take care of compared to other languages.
Breaking the Code: How Chris Newland is Changing the Game in JVM Performance!
In this enlightening interview, JVM performance specialist Chris Newland shares his journey in the Java universe.
From Assembler to Chat-GPT: Steve Poole on the Shifting Landscape of Programming
In this engaging interview with Steve Poole, a seasoned Java developer and DevOps practitioner, we delve into his career journey, valuable insights, and the evolution of technology. Poole shares his experiences, highlighting the importance of critical thinking, adapting to change, and embracing innovation in the world of software development.
How Gradle Works: Startup
This is the first of a series on how Gradle works! For example, how does Gradle start up and how many JVMs are involved in a Gradle build?
Which is the Fastest JVM: OpenJDK or GraalVM?
How is a high-performance, low-latency Java application affected by the JVM version used? Find out more on Foojay!
How to Run a Java Application with CRaC in a Docker Container
CRaC is an OpenJDK project developed by Azul to solve the problem of “slow” startup times of the JVM in a microservice environment.
What Does a Modern JVM Look Like, And How Does It Work?
In this article, the internal workings of the JVM are discussed, e.g., interpreter, JIT compiler, and how it optimizes code.
Quest to the OS: Java Native Memory
Let’s embark on an epic journey to the wonderland of java native memory to the level of OS while investing in a non-trivial memory issue.
Kover: Code Coverage Plugin for Kotlin
Table of Contents Installing the pluginAbout the Kover gradle tasksA look at KoverVerifyUploading Coverage informationAbout the IntelliJ “Run with code coverage”Why not run JaCoCo?Final words TL;DR: Kover is a code coverage tool for Kotlin. It’s still in incubator phase but …