By exposing native Rust functions, you can be easily accessed using Project Panama’s Foreign Function Access APIs.
Java Panama Polyglot (Python/Tensorflow) Part 3
How can you, as a Java developer, execute Python script code and access 3rd party Python libraries such as Tensorflow?
Java Panama Polyglot (Swift) Part 2
Table of Contents RequirementsProblemSolutionSwift PrimerSwift REPL – Hello WorldSwift functionsCreating a dynamic link library on MacOSExampleHow it WorksJava talking to Swift functions as (C functions)Conclusion Hello and welcome back to the Java Panama Polyglot series where we will be presenting quick tutorials …
Java Panama Polyglot (C++) Part 1
Java Panama Polyglot series: quick tutorials or recipes on how to access native libraries written in other languages!
Kotlin and FaaS: An Impossible Union?
Why the JVM platform is a bad idea for FaaS and a proposal for alternatives to use Kotlin nonetheless.
Project Panama for Newbies (Part 1)
In this series of articles, we will explore the APIs from OpenJDK’s Project Panama.
My intent is to show you how to be proficient in using the Foreign Linker APIs (module ‘jdk.incubator.foreign’) as it relates to Java interoperability with native code.
While this article is for newbies, I assume you know the basics of the Java language, a little bash scripting, and a familiarity with C programming concepts. If you are new to C language don’t worry I will go over the concepts later.