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Video: Vaadin Drag & Drop Support. It’s so easy!

December 01, 2023


  • Simon Martinelli

    Simon Martinelli is a Java Champion, a Vaadin Champion, and an Oracle ACE Pro. He regularly shares his knowledge in articles, speaks at international conferences, and writes his blog: ... Learn more

In this video I show how simple it can be to add drag and drop to a Vaadin application! Drag and Drop can be helpful in many situations, but often it's complicated to implement. That's not the case with Vaadin. Vaadin makes it easy to have drag-and-drop support for all components.
More information about drag and drop can be found in the documentation.


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  • Simon Martinelli

    Simon Martinelli is a Java Champion, a Vaadin Champion, and an Oracle ACE Pro. He regularly shares his knowledge in articles, speaks at international conferences, and writes his blog: ... Learn more

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