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Foojay Podcast #23: Java Profiling and Performance

May 22, 2023


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    Frank Delporte

    Frank Delporte (@frankdelporte) is a Java Champion, Java Developer, Technical Writer at Azul, Blogger, Author of "Getting started with Java on Raspberry Pi", and Pi4J Contributor. Frank blogs about his ... Learn more

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    Marcus Hirt

    Marcus is the project lead for the Open JDK JMC project. Once upon a time he co-founded Appeal, the company creating the JRockit JVM.

How do you get the maximum performance out of your Java application?

And how to use profiling to find the bottlenecks?

Let's learn all about it in this podcast, with Heinz Kabutz, Marcus Lagergren, Chris Newland, and Frank Delporte!

Java profiling is a crucial technique for measuring and improving the performance of applications.

It helps identify bottlenecks, memory leaks, and other application performance issues.

There are various challenges with using Java profiling, and the need for profiling depends on the complexity of the application and the performance requirements.

Let us learn more about the challenges, different profiling approaches, and when to use Java profiling to reach the best performance with our Java code.





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    Frank Delporte

    Frank Delporte (@frankdelporte) is a Java Champion, Java Developer, Technical Writer at Azul, Blogger, Author of "Getting started with Java on Raspberry Pi", and Pi4J Contributor. Frank blogs about his ... Learn more

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    Marcus Hirt

    Marcus is the project lead for the Open JDK JMC project. Once upon a time he co-founded Appeal, the company creating the JRockit JVM.

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