FXGL Game Engine 11.17 Release
- July 20, 2021
- 1736 Unique Views
- < 1 min read
The FXGL game engine is now at 11.17. Most of the changes in this release focus on internal code quality and fixes.
Major additions to note:
- Added download file API to NetService. Using this API developers can download files from any URL. For example, if certain assets are stored remotely.
- Rotation and scale in 3D now support origin points (pivot points). This is a beneficial addition since some animations will need specific origin points for transformations to achieve the desired effect.
Other minor changes include:
- Added a setting that allows music to be paused when the game is minimized, paused by default
- Added Model3D sample showing how to load .obj models
- Added JointSample and support for RevoluteJoints from box2d
- Added fluent API to HearingSenseComponent, thanks to @jo372
- Updated physics collision sample, thanks to @jo372
- Ignore and warn during when adding a component during a component update, thanks to @lydianeU
- Added PropertyMapChangeListener
- Added replication support for PropertyMap
- Camera in 3D has a new setting allowing the pitch (rotationX) to be clamped between -90 and 90 deg
- Multiple superfluous modules merged into few
Bug fixes:
- AutoRotationComponent smooth now shouldn't make sharp turns
Version bump:
- jacoco 0.8.6 -> 0.8.7
- kotlin 1.4.30 -> 1.5.10
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Comments (2)
2 months agoHey, you might consider adding these other VoxxedDays events too for 2025 @ https://events.voxxeddays.com #Thanks
2 months agoThanks, will do, Stephan!