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No-Cost IBM Semeru Runtimes for Java

August 09, 2021


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    Mary Grygleski

    Mary is a Java Champion, and the AI Practice Lead at Callibrity, a consulting firm based in Ohio. She started as an engineer in Unix/C, then transitioned to Java around ... Learn more

With the launch of IBM Semeru Runtimes, IBM makes it easier than ever to develop and run Java applications more cost-effectively in hybrid cloud environments, from public cloud to data centers.

IBM Semeru Runtimes use the class libraries from OpenJDK, along with the Eclipse OpenJ9 Java Virtual Machine to enable developers to build and deploy Java applications that will start quickly, deliver great performance, all while using less memory.

Key highlights of these runtimes include:

  • Provides a stable, no-cost environment for developing Java workloads
  • Available across a wide variety of hardware and software platforms, including on-premises, in public cloud, or on container orchestrators like Kubernetes and OpenShift
  • Includes commonly used JDK releases like the JDK 8 and JDK 11 Long Term Support (LTS) releases
  • Performance benefits from deep technology investment in Eclipse OpenJ9
  • Zero usage restrictions, so you can use these runtimes for development or in production
  • Download IBM Semeru Runtimes to get started today.

Download IBM Semeru Runtimes to get started today.

IBM Semeru Runtimes will be available in two editions with different licenses: the IBM Semeru Runtime Open Edition has an open source license (GPLv2+Classpath extension), whereas the IBM Semeru Runtime Certified Edition has an IBM license. Both of the IBM Semeru Runtimes pass the comprehensive Eclipse AQAvit quality assurance test suite to provide a stable and supportable engine that can run any kind of Java application.

As the name indicates, the IBM Semeru Runtime Certified Edition is also Java TCK-certified. In support of the new naming convention, the current IBM SDK, Java Technology Edition Version 11, will be renamed to the IBM Semeru Runtime Certified Edition starting with the July 2021 update release.

IBM commercial support for the IBM Semeru Runtimes is optionally available with IBM Runtimes for Business, which includes flexible licensing to meet your needs.

IBM’s long-term support for the Java language

As a long-time leader in the Java ecosystem, IBM has invested in Java technology and innovation for decades. In 2016, we contributed our J9 Java Virtual Machine to the Eclipse Foundation. Our developers have worked directly in the Eclipse OpenJ9 project since then to support the growing community of Java users.

Additionally, we helped to found and have supported the AdoptOpenJDK community as it grew to become one of the top providers of no-cost, OpenJDK-based binaries for Java developers. We continue to support this community at its new home in the Eclipse Adoptium project.

As part of our ongoing investment in Java technologies, we are providing IBM Semeru Runtimes at no cost to the Java community. We want to enable the developer ecosystem and businesses to continue to use the same OpenJ9-based OpenJDK binaries that have been the foundation of IBM’s Java-based software for 15 years. Our Java offerings, including IBM WebSphere Liberty and IBM WebSphere Application Server, will use the new IBM Semeru Runtimes going forward.

If you want to learn more about how OpenJ9 JVM innovation has been helping to optimize Java workloads running in containers for many years, take a look at this recent post on the OpenJ9 Blog. The blog post explains some of the container-awareness features of OpenJ9, such as portable ahead-of-time (AOT) compilation and multi-layer embedded shared-class cache (SCC) for fast startup times and low memory footprint.

You can also learn about the significant performance advantages OpenJ9 provides for different kinds of Java workloads.

Give it a try

Hybrid clouds need the flexibility of open and no-cost runtimes, and IBM Semeru Runtimes are a great choice. Whether you need a stable no-cost environment for developing Java workloads in the cloud, the performance benefits of a runtime deeply integrated across a broad set of platforms, or the experience of a mature Java provider for a large estate of critical Java workloads, we welcome you to download and try IBM Semeru Runtimes.

We look forward to continuing to openly innovate with Java and to support all Java communities with OpenJ9 and our IBM Semeru Runtimes.


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    Mary Grygleski

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