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Schedule for Foojay Virtual JUG Tour

February 22, 2021


  • Avatar photo
    Ari Waller

    Foojay Event Manager and Meetup Event Manager at JFrog

  • Avatar photo
    Geertjan Wielenga

    Geertjan is Senior Director of Open Source Projects at Azul and holds an LL.M in European Union Law from the University of Amsterdam.

As announced last month, to celebrate the OpenJDK and as a vendor-neutral community platform for its users, we’re kicking off the Virtual Foojay JUG Tour to be held throughout March and April.

And here's the schedule, note that it will change as more meetups are confirmed, and if your JUG is missing, i.e., you'd like to still be included in the tour, no worries, let's see what can be done, simply contact JFrog's Ari Waller (ariw at jfrog dot com), Foojay's Event Manager, and specify a date and time (and preferred topics) for March or April.


  • 1 March, Monday: Java User Group Munchen, Simon Maple (Snyk)
    "Stranger Danger: Finding Security Vulnerabilities Before They Find You!" (Details, click here.)
  • 2 March, Tuesday: Java User Group Bonn, Gerrit Grunwald (Azul)
    "Disco API: OpenJDK Distributions As A Service" (Details, click here.)
  • 10 March, Wednesday: Denver Java User Group, Steve Chin (JFrog)
    "Modern Java Clients with JavaFX: The Definitive Guide" (Details, click here.)
  • 11 March, Thursday: St. Louis Java User Group, Rudy de Busscher (Payara)
    "Creating a Kubernetes Operator in Java" (Details, click here.)
  • 13 March, Saturday, Hyderabad JUG, Nicolas Frankel (Hazelcast)
    "Migrating from Imperative to Reactive in the Cloud" (Details, click here.)
  • 17 March, Wednesday: Virtual JUG, Frank Delporte (Toadi)
    "Future of Java on Raspberry Pi: Java, JavaFX, and More" (Details, click here.)
  • 23 March, Tuesday: Sillicon Valley JavaFX JUG, Almas Baimagambetov, (Brighton University)
    "Practical Introduction to FXGL Game Engine" (Details, click here.)
  • 25 March, Thursday: Chicago JUG, Melissa McKay (JFrog)
    "Level Up Your Java Containers" (Details, click here.)
  • 29 March, Monday: Jozi JUG, Brian Vermeer (Snyk)
    "Secure Docker Containers for Java Developers" (Details, click here.)


  • 6 April, Tuesday: Coimbra JUG, Steve Chin (JFrog)
    "DevOps Tools for Java Developers" (Details, click here.)
  • 8 April, Thursday: Manchester JUG, Simon Ritter (Azul)
    "Getting the Most from Modern Java" (Details, click here.)
  • 13 April, Tuesday: Bulgaria Java User Group, Steve Chin (JFrog)
    "DevOps Tools for Java Developers" (Details, click here.)
  • 15 April, Thursday: KnoxJava JUG, Ivar Grimstad (Eclipse Foundation)
    "Jakarta EE 9 and Beyond" (Details, click here.)
  • 20 April, Tuesday: Atlanta JUG, Cedrick Lunven (DataStax)
    "Kubernetes and the Data Gateway Pattern" (Details, click here.)
  • 20 April, Tuesday: Central Iowa JUG, Simon Ritter (Azul)
    "Getting the Most from Modern Java" (Details, click here.)
  • 21 April, Wednesday: Java User Group Japan, Simon Maple (Snyk)
    "Stranger Danger: Finding Security Vulnerabilities Before They Find You!" (Details, click here.)
  • 22 April, Thursday: NYJavaSIG, Almas Baimagambetov, (Brighton University)
    "Practical Introduction to FXGL Game Engine" (Details, click here.)
  • 22 April, Thursday: Hamburg JUG, Johan Vos (Gluon)
    "Cross-Platform User Interface Development in Java with OpenJFX" (Details, click here.)
  • 27 April, Tuesday, Garden State JUG, Sven Ruppert (JFrog)
    "Functional Reactive with Core JDK" (Details, click here.)
  • 28 April, Wednesday, Silesia JUG, Roberto Cortez (Red Hat)
    "Do You Know These Libraries?" (Details, click here.)
  • 29 April, Thursday, Norway JUG, Sven Ruppert (JFrog)
    "Functional Reactive with Core JDK" (Details, click here.)


  • Avatar photo
    Ari Waller

    Foojay Event Manager and Meetup Event Manager at JFrog

  • Avatar photo
    Geertjan Wielenga

    Geertjan is Senior Director of Open Source Projects at Azul and holds an LL.M in European Union Law from the University of Amsterdam.

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