Steve Poole7 articles
Table of Contents 10x Insights on a different view of quality assuranceBugs costWhen’s the best time to find bugs?How should we really test?Changing the status quoThree challenges to overcomeWe have almost all the piecesTesting is multiI-dimensionalTortoise and the Hare vs …

- Steve Poole
Foojay Podcast #50: JCON Report, Part 2 – Maven, Software Security, Code Quality
This is part 2 of the interviews we recorded at the JCON conference earlier this month in Germany. In this episode, you get two main topics: Maven and Code Quality.
Crowd-Publishing the 10x Java Dev Book
The “enlightenment roadmap” of a Java developer can be scary. How do you become the 10x Java Developer you always dreamed of becoming?
- Olimpiu Pop,
- Steve Poole
Generative AI and Java – hype or urgent reality?
AI and Java what is there?, what can it do?, what do we want it to do?, Asking for your input readers. Share your thoughts at
- Steve Poole
State of the Software Supply Chain Report: Key Takeaways for Java Developers
Sonatype have just released the 9th edition of their State of the Software Supply Chain Report. I thought I’d pull out some highlights for Java Developers!
2023 Community Survey
Friends of OpenJDK Community Survey. Kickoff and instructions for a community driven data gathering exercise.
- Steve Poole
SBOMs: First Steps in a New Journey for Developers
Software bill of materials, anyone? A year ago, developers had not heard of the ‘SBOM’ acronym… and now SBOM visualiser called BOM Doctor.
- Steve Poole