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Foojay Podcast #47: Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning with Java

April 15, 2024


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    Frank Delporte

    Frank Delporte (@frankdelporte) is a Java Champion, Java Developer, Technical Writer at Azul, Blogger, Author of "Getting started with Java on Raspberry Pi", and Pi4J Contributor. Frank blogs about his ... Learn more

About one and a half years ago, ChatGPT was launched.

The way we search for information and develop software has changed a lot since then as the use of Artificial Intelligence suddenly became a lot easier.

What can we expect in the near future, and how can we program AI ourselves with Java? Let's find out…


Podcast (audio only)


Lize Raes

Lutske de Leeuw

Podcast Host: Frank Delporte



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    Frank Delporte

    Frank Delporte (@frankdelporte) is a Java Champion, Java Developer, Technical Writer at Azul, Blogger, Author of "Getting started with Java on Raspberry Pi", and Pi4J Contributor. Frank blogs about his ... Learn more

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