Table of Contents VideoPodcast (audio only)GuestsLinksContent AI, LLMs, ChatGPT—these are just a few of the buzzwords of the massive revolution unfolding right now. These tools are reshaping how we work, but they come with a catch: while they help us …
Foojay Podcast #56: Vectors in Java Code, Databases, and LLMs
In this Foojay podcast, we enter the world of mathematics by discussing Vectors and how they are crucial for AI and machine learning.
Foojay Podcast #47: Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning with Java
The way we search for information and develop software has changed a lot since then as the use of Artificial Intelligence suddenly became a lot easier. What can we expect in the near future?
Java 22 Is Here, And It’s Ready To Rock
Java 22 is here, and it’s ready to rock! Boasting a set of 12 JEPs, it finalizes features like ‘unnamed variables and patterns’ and previews new ones like ‘statements before super(…)’ and ‘stream gatherers’ .
Foojay Podcast #29: How will AI and ML Influence the Role of Developers?
Every conference has several talks about these technologies, and on Foojay, you can find multiple posts about it. Let’s take a look at it from the Java point of view.
Java 21 is Available Today, And It’s Quite the Update
Today’s the first day of Java 21’s availability! It’s been six months since Java 20 was released, so it’s time for another fresh wave of Java features.
It’s Java 20 Release Day! Here’s What’s New
In this article, we will take you on a tour through all JEPs that come with this release and give you a brief introduction of each one of them.
Foojay Podcast #5: OpenJDK 19 Discussion Panel
It’s September 20th, OpenJDK 19 has been released. In this podcast, we discuss the new features and the changes that this release brings.
Building Project Panama’s jextract tool by yourself
Learn about jextract, which can generate Java binding code that represents native functions or variables (symbols) from C libraries.
Java Panama Polyglot (Rust) Part 4
By exposing native Rust functions, you can be easily accessed using Project Panama’s Foreign Function Access APIs.
Java Panama Polyglot (Python/Tensorflow) Part 3
How can you, as a Java developer, execute Python script code and access 3rd party Python libraries such as Tensorflow?