Pi4J provides a friendly object-oriented I/O API and implementation libraries for Java Programmers to access the full I/O capabilities of the Raspberry Pi platform. The project “hides” the complexity to interact with electronic components through different ways of communication (SPI, …
Deep dive into bits, bytes, shorts, ints, longs, signed, and unsigned with Java
Table of Contents The Basics: BitsBits to ByteValue Ranges in JavaDifference between Byte, Short, Integer and LongMinimum and maximum values in JavaSigned versus UnsignedUsing MasksUsing Helper MethodsSame Approach for ShortExample use of BitsConclusionRemark On the Pi4J discussion list, someone recently …
Foojay Podcast #55: Embedded Java, Part 2
In this episode #55, we look into the history of the Java Micro Edition and how things evolved.
Evolutions in the Pi4J library by Tom Aarts and Robert von Burg
Table of Contents Ongoing I2C ImprovementsPWM Hardware Support on Raspberry Pi 5New Class to Get Board InfoInterview with Robert von BurgInterview Tom AartsConclusion Multiple improvements have been implemented in the new release, V2.6.0 (2024-04-29) of Pi4J, a friendly object-oriented I/O …
Java on Raspberry Pi 5 with Pi4J
Alexander Liggesmeyer contributed a new plugin to Pi4J: GpioDPlugin. As a Pi4J-user, he wanted to run his applications on the Raspberry Pi 5.
Controlling LED Strips with Java and JBang
One of the most “fancy” electronic components is definitely… a LED strip. It’s really cool to control a long strip of lights with only a few lines of code.
Pi4J Operating System for Java development on Raspberry Pi
Pi4J is an ideal way to introduce the Java language into experiments with electronic components.
Reading the temperature, humidity, and pressure from a BME280 Sensor with Java, Pi4J, I2C, SPI, and JBang
In this tutorial, I want to show you how you can read the temperature, humidity, and pressure from a BME280 Sensor.
Coroutines on the RaspberryPi (Pi4J-Kotlin)
Find out all the details on Pi4J-Kotlin v2.4.0: Coroutines, I2C, and Serial DSL on Foojay.io Today, the place for OpenJDK friends.
Controlling a LED strip with Pi4J and JBang
The Raspberry Pi, Pi4J and JBang are a perfect combination to experiment with electronics. Find out more here!
Kotlin on the RaspberryPi (Pi4J-Kotlin)
Learn about Pi4J-Kotlin, providing a Kotlin DSL for the already-mature Pi4J V2 API and take full advantage of Kotlin on the RaspberryPi!