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Foojay Podcast #32: Philippines JUG

November 06, 2023


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    Frank Delporte

    Frank Delporte (@frankdelporte) is a Java Champion, Java Developer, Technical Writer at Azul, Blogger, Author of "Getting started with Java on Raspberry Pi", and Pi4J Contributor. Frank blogs about his ... Learn more

Once a month we talk about the history of a JUG and the people behind it.

Today we travel to the Philippines. A new generation of developers has taken over the organization of the JUG. And in addition, they are also involved in the organization of the Softcon conference.

Let's talk about the history and future of the Java community in the Philippines!


Tristan Mahinay

Calen Legaspi

Jansen Marson Ang

Kerby Martino


Host: Frank Delporte



00:00 Intro and introduction of the guests
03:40 How big is the Philippines Java community
05:07 History of Java in the Philippines
06:18 Topics presented at the JUG
07:05 Impact of Covid
07:43 About the Softcon conference
10:20 Mixing online and offline
12:02 Most remarkable JUG sessions
13:05 Involving younger visitors and speakers
13:42 Java at Philippine Universities
16:21 Future plans for the JUG
16:59 About LangChain4J (Lize Raes @ Devoxx)
18:59 AI topics on Softcon
19:33 Impact of AI on developer jobs
22:15 How can people join the JUG
24:27 Why being part of the JUG organization
27:38 About the age of different programming languages
30:37 The importance of the Philippines Java community
32:21 New upcoming website for the JUG
35:43 Outro

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    Frank Delporte

    Frank Delporte (@frankdelporte) is a Java Champion, Java Developer, Technical Writer at Azul, Blogger, Author of "Getting started with Java on Raspberry Pi", and Pi4J Contributor. Frank blogs about his ... Learn more

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