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Project Loom: Structured Concurrency – Java

  • January 29, 2025
  • 2774 Unique Views
  • 5 min read
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In today's era of cloud computing, where high-performance infrastructure is readily available, developers face a complex challenge in achieving efficient concurrency.

While modern technological advancements have brought us closer to solving these challenges, we must adopt a thoughtful, incremental approach to concurrency.

This principle holds especially true as we strive to design scalable, reliable, and easy-to-maintain systems.

One such advancement in this domain is structured concurrency, a paradigm that simplifies concurrent programming by bringing order and predictability to task management.

The structured concurrency feature was first introduced as an incubator in JEP-428 with the release of Java 19, later evolved into a preview feature in JEP-453, part of the Java 21 release, and as an another preview in JEP-480 part of the Java 23 release.

Structured Concurrency

To effectively explore structured concurrency, one must grasp several fundamental concepts, including:

  • Concurrency: This refers to a system that can handle multiple tasks at the same time, where tasks may not operate in parallel but can progress independently.

  • Threads: These are the smallest units of execution within a process. Threads operate within the same memory space and can execute concurrently.

  • Processes: Threads are the smallest units of execution within a process. They operate within the same memory space and can execute concurrently.

  • Processes vs Threads: Processes differ from one another and each has its own separate memory space, which makes them more demanding in terms of resources. Conversely, threads reside within processes and share the same memory space, which facilitates more efficient communication, though they require careful oversight to prevent issues such as race conditions.

  • Synchronization: The method of managing access to shared resources within a multi-threaded environment refers to maintaining data integrity and avoiding race conditions. This process ensures that only a single thread interacts with a critical section of code or a shared resource at any given moment.

  • Deadlock: In concurrent programming, a deadlock happens when two or more threads cannot continue execution because each thread waits for resources held by another. For instance, if Thread A secures Resource 1 and then waits for Resource 2, while Thread B secures Resource 2 and waits for Resource 1, both threads become inoperative and cannot make any progress.

  • Semaphores: Synchronization tools called semaphores manage access to shared resources among multiple threads. Two primary types exist:

    1. Binary Semaphore: Functions like a lock, permitting only one thread to access a resource at any given time.
    2. Counting Semaphore: Allows a predetermined number of threads to access a resource simultaneously.

With those essential concepts as our foundation, let us explore Structured Concurrency in greater detail. So,

What is Structured Concurrency?

Succinctly, a method for concurrent programming that

  • Streamlines scenarios where a primary task divides into multiple subtasks
  • Maintains the inherent relationships between tasks and their subtasks
  • Minimizes errors that developers associate with cancellation and shutdown processes
  • JDK 21 introduces the concept of Virtual Threads, which is well-suited for.

In a nutshell, Structured Concurrency occurs when a primary task divides into multiple simultaneous subtasks, and the primary task cannot proceed until those subtasks are finished.

How Structured Concurrency Works?

The structured concurrency API includes the primary class StructuredTaskScope, which resides in the java.util.concurrent package.


Overview of the StructuredTaskScope Class Utilization

  • Begin by establishing a StructuredTaskScope utilizing a try-with-resources statement.
  • Create your subtasks as instances of the StructuredTaskScope.Subtask class.
  • Within the try block, initiate each subtask in a separate thread using StructuredTaskScope::fork.
  • Subsequently, invoke StructuredTaskScope::join.
  • Manage the final results of all subtasks.
  • Confirm that the StructuredTaskScope is properly shutdown.

The try-with-resources statement establishes the StructuredScope, which ensures that it automatically releases resources, allowing the task scope to pause until all threads executing any pending subtasks complete.

The StructuredScope class includes a shutdown method that terminates a task scope while keeping it open. This method effectively cancels any ongoing subtasks by interrupting their respective threads. Additionally, two subclasses of StructuredTaskScope facilitate a policy that allows for the non-completion of all subtasks:

  • StructuredTaskScope.ShutdownOnSuccess: If any single subtask is completed successfully, it cancels all other subtasks.
  • StructuredTaskScope.ShutdownOnFailure: If any single subtask fails, it will result in the cancellation of all subtasks.

Let's put all the above threotical concept into one example

package com.bsmlabs.java21examples;

import java.time.Duration;
import java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException;
import java.util.concurrent.StructuredTaskScope;

public class StructuredConcurrencyDemo {

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        try {
            System.out.println("Executing processShutdownOnSuccessTasks...");
            new StructuredConcurrencyDemo().processShutdownOnSuccessTasks();
        } catch (InterruptedException | ExecutionException e) {

        try {
            System.out.println("Executing processShutdownOnFailureTasks...");
            new StructuredConcurrencyDemo().processShutdownOnFailureTasks();
        } catch (InterruptedException | ExecutionException e) {

    public void processShutdownOnSuccessTasks() throws InterruptedException, ExecutionException {
        try (var scope = new StructuredTaskScope.ShutdownOnSuccess<Integer>()) {

            // Fork multiple subtasks
            StructuredTaskScope.Subtask<Integer> taskOne = scope.fork(() -> performTask("Task One", 2));
            StructuredTaskScope.Subtask<Integer> taskTwo = scope.fork(() -> performTask("Task Two", 3));
            StructuredTaskScope.Subtask<Integer> taskThree = scope.fork(() -> performTask("Task Three", 1));

            // Wait for the first successful result
            int result = scope.join().result();

            // Print the result
            System.out.println("First successful result: " + result);

    public void processShutdownOnFailureTasks() throws InterruptedException, ExecutionException {
          try (var scope = new StructuredTaskScope.ShutdownOnFailure()) {
            // Submit tasks within the scope
            StructuredTaskScope.Subtask<Integer> taskOne = scope.fork(() -> performTask("Task One", 2));
            StructuredTaskScope.Subtask<Integer> taskTwo = scope.fork(() -> performTask("Task Two", 3));
            StructuredTaskScope.Subtask<Integer> taskThree = scope.fork(() -> performTask("Task Three", 4));

            // Wait for all tasks to complete
            scope.join();  // Wait for both tasks
            scope.throwIfFailed(); // Propagate exceptions if any task failed

            // Retrieve results
            int result1 = taskOne.get();
            int result2 = taskTwo.get();
            int result3 = taskThree.get();

            System.out.println("Results: Task 1 = " + result1 + ", Task 2 = " + result2+ ", Task 3 = " + result3);
        // The scope ensures that tasks are cleaned up and resources are released
        System.out.println("All tasks completed successfully.");

    private Integer performTask(String taskName, int durationInSeconds) throws InterruptedException {
        System.out.println(StringTemplate.STR."\{taskName} started.");
        System.out.println(StringTemplate.STR."\{taskName} completed.");
        return durationInSeconds * 10; // Return some result

Executing processShutdownOnSuccessTasks...
Task Three started.
Task One started.
Task Two started.
Task Three completed.
First successful result: 10
Executing processShutdownOnFailureTasks...
Task One started.
Task Two started.
Task Three started.
Task One completed.
Task Two completed.
Task Three completed.
Results: Task 1 = 20, Task 2 = 30, Task 3 = 40
All tasks completed successfully.
  • ShutdownOnSuccess focuses on the first successful result.
  • ShutdownOnFailure ensures that all tasks are complete unless one fails.

We can also create custom StructuredTaskScope policies that handle ShutdownOnSuccess and ShutdownOnFailure differently. We can do this by extending StructuredTaskScope class.

We can debug StructuredTaskScope and its forked tasks using the jcmd command


  • A tool in the JDK that allows you to work with Java processes through the command line.
  • Can create a thread dump in JSON format, simplifying the analysis of program behavior.
jcmd <PID> Thread.print -format=json

Steps to follow

  • Run SturcuturedTaskScope Java application
  • Use this command. jcmd <PID> Thread.print -format=json Replace <PID> with the process ID of the Java application.
  • Analyze the Output: Look for threads related to StructuredTaskScope and their stack traces.

Benefits of Strutured Concurrency

  • Simplicity: Users can easily understand limits and manage tasks running at the same time.
  • Error Handling: The system handles and reports failures in a uniform way.
  • Resource Safety: The system automatically cleans up tasks and their resources when the process finishes.
  • Predictability: The connection between parent and child tasks ensures that no task continues running in the background.


  • Simplified Task Management: Structured concurrency organizes tasks in a clear hierarchy, ensuring that all smaller tasks finish or stop when the main task is done.
  • Improved Resource Handling: The try-with-resources feature helps clean up threads properly, avoiding resource leaks. Enhanced Reliability: By managing task execution and errors, it reduces issues like deadlocks and unhandled exceptions.
  • Better Debugging: Tools such as jcmd allow easy monitoring and debugging of tasks with clear stack traces.
  • Future-Ready: Structured concurrency is a preview feature in Java 21 and Java 23, setting the stage for creating modern, maintainable, and efficient concurrent applications.

Structured concurrency encourages clean, predictable, and safer patterns in concurrency, marking an important step forward for Java developers.


Happy Reading and Learning!

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