Report of My Small Tour d’Europe
- June 16, 2023
- 1711 Unique Views
- 3 min read
Between 31st May and 14th June, I was on tour, giving seven talks in 4 cities in 3 different countries:
- 31st May: JUG Milano
- 5th June: OpenValue Munich Meetup
- 7th June: JDriven Full Stack Conference in Nieuwegein
- 10th and 11th of June: Gulasch Programmier Nacht Karlsruhe
- 14th of June: Karlsruher Entwicklertag

It was an exciting trip, and I had the pleasure of visiting friends in Zurich and Augsburg and a grain mill shop in Munich.
Sadly there are only recordings of two of my seven talks, but all talks were excellent:
JUG Milano: Your Java Application Is Slow? Check Out These Open-Source Profilers
I gave my updated QCon talk in Milan on 31st May:
This is related to my InfoQ article Unleash the Power of Open Source Java Profilers: Comparing VisualVM, JMC, and async-profile. I had a lot of fun giving the talk, and I hope the audience liked it.
Being in Milan for the first time was fantastic. I was able to stay with Mario Fusco for a few days to enjoy the beauty of Gorgonzola, the suburb of Milan where he lives, and also visit the famous Museo Nazionale della Scienza e della Tecnologia Leonardo da Vinci.
OpenValue Munich Meetup: Writing a Profiler in 240 Lines of Pure Java
I then went on to give a talk at the OpenValue Munich Meetup, based on the previous talk and my Writing a Profiler in 240 Lines of Pure Java article:

But before this, I stayed with friends in Augsburg and Zurich:

JDriven Full Stack Conference
I gave a similar talk, only with a little more information on why you shouldn't trust profilers (see), in Nieuwegein:

This concluded my three talks outside of Karlsruhe.
Gulasch Programmier Nacht Karlsruhe
After coming home, I gave two talks at the GPN, one based on the article Do you trust profilers? I once did, too, and one based on the two articles Instrumenting Java Code to Find and Handle Unused Classes and Class Loader Hierarchies. The former talk is recorded:
Karlsruher Entwicklertag
My last two talks in Karlsruhe were my profiling talk from before and a talk with live coding based on my writing a profiler from scratch series.
Giving so many talks during two weeks was interesting, although it proved more taxing than I had hoped. I'm happy to start working on my JEP and fixing bugs; a significant rewrite of the JEP might be on the horizon. The following blog post will probably be related.
If you want to see me giving a talk, either invite me or come to the following few planned talks:
- Java User Group Mannheim, 13th July: Writing a Profiler in 240 Lines of Pure Java (blog post)
- JavaZone Oslo, 6th and 7th September: Unleash the Power Of Open-Source Profilers (InfoQ article)
- Java Forum Nord Hannover, 12th September: Unleash the power of Open-Source Java Profilers
- Basel One, 18th and 19th October: Unleash the Power Of Open-Source Profilers
Hopefully, there will be more. You can find my past and upcoming talks on my new Talks page.
This project is part of my work in the SapMachine team at SAP, making profiling easier for everyone. This article first appeared on my personal blog
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