Table of Contents Quartz is often considered the standard job scheduling library in Java, which can lead developers to overlook more modern alternatives.Limitations of QuartzQuartz is showing its agePerforms worse than modern alternativesLack of built-in monitoringDistributed scheduling is opt-inSporadic maintenanceAlternatives …
TornadoVM for RISC-V Accelerators
Is Java ready for running on RISC-V accelerators? If so, how? This post shows a possible way by using open source solutions integrating TornadoVM with the oneAPI Construction Kit.
Java on Azure Tooling Update – July 2022
In this update, we will introduce the brand new getting started experience with the Azure toolkit for IntelliJ… and more!
Java on Azure Tooling Update – June 2022
We introduce the new application-centric view on Azure toolkit for IntelliJ that will make the interface more user-friendly.
Azure Toolkit for IntelliJ – April 2022 Update
Azure Toolkit for IntelliJ is a plugin that allows you to easily create, develop, configure, test, and deploy Java applications to Azure.
JDKMon 17.0.23 Released
JDKMon is a little tool written in JavaFX that tries to detect all OpenJDK distros installed while keeping track of updates for them.
Introducing 140 Second Ducklings: What is Debugging?
I’m launching a new Twitter video series that will focus on teaching the concepts of debugging (and other concepts) in small video bites
Introduction to Maven Toolchains
How to make sure I can build projects projects on Java 8, 11, and 17 without having to constantly switch Java runtimes?
JDKMon 17.0.18 Released
Vulnerability information and TCK test status details are available and easily detectable with JDKMon 17.0.18.
JDKMon 17.0.17 Released
Point JDKMon to the folder where all your JavaFX SDK’s are installed and it will check if there are any updates available.
Get Your JDK As Easily As Possible!
Have you ever been in the situation where you’ve been looking for a specific JDK version of a specific distribution?
Sometimes that was easy… sometimes it was hard… but it never was fun.
After creating the Disco API (“Universal OpenJDK Discovery API”, in full) which serves up JDK distributions as a service, I had the idea to create plugins for IDEs to enable people to download the JDK of their choice more easily.