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Foojay Podcast #61: As a developer, how do we keep our body and mind healthy?

  • November 18, 2024
  • 4029 Unique Views
  • < 1 min read
Table of Contents
VideoPodcast (Audio only)GuestsContent

At Devoxx and JFall, we talked with Georgios Diamantopoulos, Lutske de Leeuw, Tom Cools, Jessica Siewert, and Rijo Sam about staying physically and mentally healthy as software developers.

There are many topics to handle, like the impact of AI on how valuable we feel, how COVID-19 impacted careers, how we work in and with remote teams, how to get to know new colleagues and much more. Yes, there is even a sidestep where we compared the Java and .NET communities.


Podcast (Audio only)


Georgios Diamantopoulos 

Tom Cools 

Lutske de Leeuw 

Jessica Siewert 

Rijo Sam 


00:00 Introduction of topic and guests

00:48 Georgios Diamantopoulos about the impact of your work on your body
05:22 Comparing Java to .NET community

06:54 Lutske de Leeuw about the impact of AI on our job
09:13 Impact of Covid and working from home
10:48 Talk with your colleagues about mental issues

12:06 Tom Cools about switching jobs
13:00 About the danger of a burnout, dealing with stress, and trying too much at the same time
17:08 How to deal with Impostor Syndrom

20:31 Jessica Siewert about dealing with conflicts within a team
22:50 How to get in contact with new people

24:58 Rijo Sam about working in and with remote teams
26:34 Schedule "coffee moments"!
30:54 Impact of time zone differences
33:02 Misunderstanding each other because of cultural differences
34:44 The danger of text chat versus having a voice chat
37:04 Avoid team burnout!

37:43 Conclusion

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Java Weekly, Issue 569 | Baeldung

4 months ago

[…] Foojay Podcast #61: As a developer, how do we keep our body and mind healthy? […]

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