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Foojay Podcast #67: Writing a book. Does it make you rich and famous?

  • February 24, 2025
  • 860 Unique Views
  • 2 min read
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Let me share a personal story. I started experimenting with Java on a Raspberry Pi about five years ago and blogged a few articles about it. But the more I experimented, the more I wrote down, and eventually, I had written a book… I worked on it for six months in a row, every evening and a lot of weekends. But the moment I received the box with my author copies was an incredible feeling. Holding a paper book with your name is a special moment.

Fast forward to now. The 1000 paper copies are sold out. I have the last 10 copies in case you still want one 😉 But as I self-published the ebook, it's still for sale on Leanpub, and I keep updating it. That's one of the first significant differences between publishing a paper book and an ebook…. As an author, I got about 2 euros per paper book from the publisher, and LeanPub pays 80% royalties. Don't forget that I have to pay taxes on what I earn. So, if you do the math, you'll understand that the book didn't make me rich. But yes, it helped me in my career and was one of the reasons I became a Java Champion. So, we can argue about the "becoming famous".

But that's only my story. I invited several guests to share their knowledge about book writing:

  • Marián Varga is finishing a book and tells about publishing a book with a publisher.
  • Wim Deblauwe wrote a few books and has much experience with self-publishing.
  • Len Epp is the co-founder of Leanpub, so he can tell us a lot about ebooks.
  • And we start with Trisha Gee, who wrote a lot of books!


Podcast (Audio only)


Trisha Gee

Len Epp

Wim Deblauwe

Marián Varga


Book by Frank

Books by Wim Deblauwe

Book by Marián Varga




00:00 Introduction of the topic and guests

01:53 Books by Trisha Gee
02:24 Trisha's motivation for writing books
04:13 Difference between publisher and self-publishing
09:53 Publishers are looking for authors and course creators
12:55 How long do you work on a book?
17:35 Can we expect a new book by Trisha?
21:00 Automating the writing process

24:50 Len Epp about Leanpub and how it started
27:18 On Leanpub, you can publish a book-in-progress
27:51 Different publishing processes with Leanpub
30:20 You can use LeanPub to generate your book, but you don't need to sell it on Leanpub
32:57 80% of the selling price goes to the author
40:09 How to market your book
45:35 Let an expert handle the payments...

50:55 Books by Wim Deblauwe
51:45 Wim's motivation for writing books
53:15 Earning back the time spent on the writing
54:37 How to sell paper books on Lulu
57:19 Tools used to write a book
58:34 Wim's author-plans for the future
59:42 How the books influenced Wim's career

01:00:02 Marián Varga about the topic of his book
01:03:07 Current status of the book
01:04:03 The book is a teamwork with a publisher
01:07:06 Organizing the work between multiple authors
01:09:17 Time worked on the book
01:10:40 Feedback from the community for the content
01:12:13 What Marián wants to achieve with the book

01:14:38 Conclusion

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