Friends of OpenJDK at FOSDEM 2023
- November 22, 2022
- 3429 Unique Views
- 2 min read
We’re excited to announce that friends of OpenJDK (, that is, developers who use OpenJDK on a day to day basis developing tools and technologies in languages such as Java and Kotlin, will be represented at FOSDEM 2023 again at the live Foojay DevRoom on Sunday, 5 February 2023!
Here you can find the CFP (Call For Papers) for submitting your talks, giving you the opportunity to deliver a talk during the Foojay DevRoom.
The Foojay programs for previous years at FOSDEM are listed below:
Join us to enjoy a full day of talks, demos, and interesting discussions about what developers around the world are doing with the OpenJDK.
How to submit
We welcome any talk proposals about OpenJDK-related tools and technologies.
We are looking for proposals for 25 minute talks (suggested 20 minute talk + 5 minute Q&A).
This is not a virtual event, everything and everyone will be live and in person.
We invite authors to submit original, high-quality work with sufficient background material to be clear to the community.
By submitting a talk you agree to be available the day of the event to participate in the live Q&A.
Please be aware of the fact that DevRoom talks at FOSDEM will be made available online afterwards. The recordings will be published under the same license as all FOSDEM content (CC-BY). By agreeing to present at FOSDEM, you automatically give permission to be recorded.
Submissions must include:
- Abstract
- Expected prior knowledge / intended audience
- Speaker bio
- A contact so we can reach out to you the day of the event
- Links to code / slides / material for the talk (optional)
- Links to previous talks by the speaker (optional)
Please submit through Pentabarf here:
When submitting your talk in Pentabarf, make sure to select "Friends of OpenJDK devroom" as the Track, as shown below.

Create a Pentabarf account if, and only if, you don’t already have one from a previous year. Please double check if you have an account you can reuse!
Important dates
- Call for papers available: 14 November 2022
- Call for papers closes: 10 December 2022
- Devroom schedule available: 15th January 2023
- Devroom day: 5 February 2023
Submit your talk proposal and we look forward to seeing you online!
Code of conduct
Following the release of the updated code of conduct for FOSDEM, we’d like to remind all speakers and attendees that all of the presentations and discussions in our devroom are held under the guidelines set in the CoC and we expect attendees, speakers, and volunteers to follow the CoC at all times.
FOSDEM CoC can be found online here:
Call for Volunteers
We are also looking for volunteers to help run the devroom.
We need assistance with helping speakers to record the presentation as well as helping with streaming and chat moderation for the devroom.
Please reach out to us on the Foojay FOSDEM23 Forum, if you have any questions about the DevRoom, the submission process, or similar:
The individual developers involved in, which includes individual developers from organizations such as Azul, Contrast Security, DataStax, Datadog, JFrog, OpenValue, Payara, Vaadin, and Snyk.
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