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Foojay at FOSDEM 2022 on YouTube

February 17, 2022


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    Geertjan Wielenga

    Geertjan is Senior Director of Open Source Projects at Azul and holds an LL.M in European Union Law from the University of Amsterdam.

Last weekend, FOSDEM 2022 was held virtually, with the friends of OpenJDK putting together an awesome program around the tools and editors that support the OpenJDK, from overviews of new OpenJDK features, to cutting edge development with new languages on the OpenJDK, sessions on the ever important topic of security, as well as new developments in JavaFX, Jakarta EE, Raspberry Pi, and beyond:

Around 200 attended the program across two days, which was pretty good compared to the other rooms and the interaction was good in the chat, with the speakers being present during and after the recordings were played for discussion and more.

And, when you go here, you will be able to watch each and every session from the above:

Or... embedded right here in Foojay, watch the whole program:

In the chat, after each session, a quiz question was asked by the speaker. The questions were not easy and were based on something they'd said during their session, soon the whole quiz will be posted here on Foojay too. Up for grabs was an oculus as first prize (provided by Azul), several cool techy toys and games (provided by OpenValue), and free licenses for and provided by leading Java A/I deep learning tool Deep Netts.

And the winners are...

Hadrien Guyette (Belgium) is the first prize winner, soon to receive an oculus, as well as the one year license to Deep Netts.

Andreas Lämmlein (Germany) and Mark Striekwold (Netherlands) are the runners up, soon to be receiving cool techy toys, as well as the one year license to Deep Netts.

Congrats to everyone who participated and, if you missed it, check out the videos above, soon the questions will be made available and there'll be new prizes to be awarded. And, of course, lets have the friends of OpenJDK program again next year at the live FOSDEM in Brussels, Belgium!

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  • Avatar photo
    Geertjan Wielenga

    Geertjan is Senior Director of Open Source Projects at Azul and holds an LL.M in European Union Law from the University of Amsterdam.

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