Table of Contents Stream.noneMatch() and Stream.anyMatch() As I keep refactoring, this article will focus on a few more interesting ways to do it. These are pretty much minor yet effective and useful changes. Stream.noneMatch() and Stream.anyMatch() In some situations, we …
Embracing Java 17: Here’s What We Learned at Picnic
Most Java 17 blog posts focus on the shiny new language features. That’s all great, but we’d like to share what it takes to adopt Java 17 in a large tech team in the first place.
Java 17 on the Raspberry Pi
As part of the Foojay Virtual OpenJDK 17+ JUG Tour, I was asked to present the state of Java and JavaFX 17 on the Raspberry Pi.
So, a perfect opportunity to freshen up my #JavaOnRaspberryPi presentation with some hot-off-the-press versions.
Getting Started with Java 17 and IntelliJ IDEA
A new Java release every six months can be exciting, overwhelming, or both. Given that Java 17 is also an LTS release, it’s not just the developers but enterprises also noticing it. If you have been waiting to move on from Java 8 or 11, now is the time to weigh its advantages.
Project Panama for Newbies (Part 1)
In this series of articles, we will explore the APIs from OpenJDK’s Project Panama.
My intent is to show you how to be proficient in using the Foreign Linker APIs (module ‘jdk.incubator.foreign’) as it relates to Java interoperability with native code.
While this article is for newbies, I assume you know the basics of the Java language, a little bash scripting, and a familiarity with C programming concepts. If you are new to C language don’t worry I will go over the concepts later.