Did you know? The Quarkus Clubd initiative started less than a year ago and is already one of the biggest groups in the world dedicated to Quarkus!
Generate AI-based Images with Quarkus and OpenAI DALL.E
In this article, we explore how to integrate the OpenAI API within a Quarkus application
Charting the Course of Java: An Insightful Conversation with Java Champion, Sebastian Daschner
Explore the world of Java with Champion Sebastian Daschner, discussing his journey, future trends in Java, and tips for developer growth.
Creating a GraphQL API for Neo4j with Quarkus and SmallRye GraphQL
Learn how to write a GraphQL API that uses Neo4j AuraDB as a backend with Quarkus and deploy it as a native image on Heroku.
Diving into JVM Framework Monitoring and Profiling
Let’s look at how frameworks work under the hood, namely Quarkus and Spring Boot, and how many threads they initiate to serve up results.
Observability for JVM Frameworks with Grafana in Java and Kotlin
Learn about observability configurations and libraries required over a range of frameworks using two JVM languages, namely Java and Kotlin.
Native-image with Quarkus
Quarkus brings an exciting take to the table. Unlike Micronaut, it doesn’t generate additional bytecode during each compilation.
Monitoring Across Frameworks: Spring Boot, Micronaut, Quarkus, and Helidon
Gone are the times when developers’ jobs ended with the release of the application. Nowadays, developers care more and more about the operational side of IT: perhaps they operate applications themselves, but more probably, their organizations foster increased collaboration between Dev and Ops.
I started to become interested in the Ops side of software when I was still a consultant. When Spring Boot released the Actuator, I became excited. Via its convention-over-configuration nature, it was possible to add monitoring endpoints with just an additional dependency.
Since then, other frameworks have popped up. They also provide monitoring capabilities. In this article, I’d like to compare those frameworks concerning those capabilities.
Electronics & Quarkus Qute on Raspberry Pi
The “Hello World” version of electronics programming is a blinking LED. But, in this post, we will go a few steps further and control 8 LEDs inside a number display.
Igor De Souza, Dublin based Principal Big Data Consultant at Oracle, set up an interesting experiment in which he combines a LED number display with the Raspberry Pi and Quarkus.
Azul Zulu OpenJDK 15 on Raspberry Pi
With Azul Zulu OpenJDK 15, for this post I did some experiments with Java 15, reusing the Ubuntu 64bit SD card which was also used for my earlier post “Startup Speed of Spring and Quarkus JARs on the Raspberry Pi”.
Do you need to switch from OpenJDK 11 to 15? No, not really, based on these results. But each new version has bug and security fixes, new features, and generic improvements!
Startup Speed of Spring and Quarkus JARs on the Raspberry Pi
For my book “Getting Started with Java on Raspberry Pi”, an example was described to store sensors and measurements in an H2-database through REST APIs with a Spring application on the Raspberry Pi.
The application takes some time to start on a Raspberry Pi, and Adam Bien who does the airhacks.fm podcast, asked me if I could compare this to a similar Quarkus application, which resulted in some nice results.