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Foojay Podcast #59: DevRel Explained and How to Become a Conference Speaker

October 21, 2024


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    Frank Delporte

    Frank Delporte (@frankdelporte) is a Java Champion, Java Developer, Technical Writer at Azul, Blogger, Author of "Getting started with Java on Raspberry Pi", and Pi4J Contributor. Frank blogs about his ... Learn more

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    Baruch Sadogursky

    Developer Relations and DPE Advocacy at Gradle

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    Pratik Patel

    VP Developer Advocacy at Azul

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    Roni Dover

    Afflicted by an acute Product Manager/Developer split personality disorder that was never treated. Currently, CTO and co-founder of Digma (, an IDE plugin for code runtime AI analysis to help ... Learn more

What do people who have Developer Relations as their job description do? And how do you become a conference speaker? You'll learn in this Foojay podcast! 

At Devoxx in Belgium, I got to talk to Josh Long, Baruch, Pratik Patel, and Roni Dover, who were on the stage because it was part of their job. They shared many tips about being a DevRel and the many tasks involved in such a job.

I also talked with Clo Willaerts, who inspired me many years ago to become a speaker myself when I saw her presentation at a marketing conference.


Podcast (Audio Only)



00:57 Clo about the difference between marketing and technical conferences 
02:49 Impact of ecological cost on our work 
04:56 Fast changes in trending topics  
07:33 How to get paid as a (keynote) speaker 
12:53 Josh about being Developer Relation 
14:53 How to reach the energy level of Josh 
15:42 Do you have to be an expert about a topic to talk about it? 
18:34 How to create a story for a new talk 
19:02 Only use slides when really needed 
22:29 How hard is live coding? 
23:48 Baruch about the DevRel role 
24:52 How to move from Dev to DevRel 
25:44 The focus of Baruch 
27:57 Pratik about the role of a dev team at a conference 
29:50 How DevRel influences product development in their company 
31:36 How Pratik became a DevRel 
32:40 Good and bad of being a DevRel 
34:38 Roni about the role of a DevRel 
35:54 Importance of using your product (coding) as a DevRel 
37:35 Back side of the job  
38:43 Tip 1: Ask to be a speaker  
39:31 Tip 2: Stand out! 
41:01 Tip 3: The show must go on! 
42:31 More tips...  
48:08 One final tip from Josh 
48:16 Outro 
Book by Geertjan Wielenga: "Developer, Advocate!"


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    Frank Delporte

    Frank Delporte (@frankdelporte) is a Java Champion, Java Developer, Technical Writer at Azul, Blogger, Author of "Getting started with Java on Raspberry Pi", and Pi4J Contributor. Frank blogs about his ... Learn more

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    Baruch Sadogursky

    Developer Relations and DPE Advocacy at Gradle

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    Pratik Patel

    VP Developer Advocacy at Azul

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    Roni Dover

    Afflicted by an acute Product Manager/Developer split personality disorder that was never treated. Currently, CTO and co-founder of Digma (, an IDE plugin for code runtime AI analysis to help ... Learn more

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