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Schedule for Foojay Virtual OpenJDK 17+ JUG Tour

August 10, 2021




  • Avatar photo
    Ari Waller

    Foojay Event Manager and Meetup Event Manager at JFrog

  • Avatar photo
    Geertjan Wielenga

    Geertjan is Senior Director of Open Source Projects at Azul and holds an LL.M in European Union Law from the University of Amsterdam.

  • Jadon Ortlepp profile
    Jadon Ortlepp

    Digital Marketing Coordinator working for Payara who has been involved in the Java space since 2017. Very much enjoys collaborating on projects and events with other individuals and organisations. Including ... Learn more

As announced last month, to celebrate the OpenJDK 17 and as a vendor-neutral community platform for its users, we’re kicking off the Virtual Foojay JUG Tour to be held during and around its release month of September.

And here's the schedule, note that it will change as more meetups are confirmed, and if your JUG is missing, i.e., you'd like to still be included in the tour, no worries, let's see what can be done, simply contact JFrog's Ari Waller (ariw at jfrog dot com) and Payara's Jadon Ortlepp (jadon.ortlepp at, Foojay's Event Managers, and specify a date and time (and preferred topics) together with some dates and times that would work for your JUG.




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    Jadon Ortlepp profile
    July 21, 2021


  • Avatar photo
    Ari Waller

    Foojay Event Manager and Meetup Event Manager at JFrog

  • Avatar photo
    Geertjan Wielenga

    Geertjan is Senior Director of Open Source Projects at Azul and holds an LL.M in European Union Law from the University of Amsterdam.

  • Jadon Ortlepp profile
    Jadon Ortlepp

    Digital Marketing Coordinator working for Payara who has been involved in the Java space since 2017. Very much enjoys collaborating on projects and events with other individuals and organisations. Including ... Learn more

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Todd Gao

For some of the events, people in certain timezone might be not able to join. Would the slides or other materials be shared?


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