Last month, I published a Foojay article about the risks in systems that are stuck on old or outdated Java versions and got a lot of feedback from developers. Most of them want to move on but get stuck on …
Foojay Podcast #53: JCON Report, Part 5 – CQRS, JOOQ, GraphQL, API, Vaadin, OpenRewrite, ErrorProne, Gateways, Proxies,…
In this episode you’ll hear Simon Martinelli, Nicolas Fränkel, Marcus Hellberg, Rick Ossendrijver, and Abdel Sghiouar.
OpenRewrite: Migrate to Spring Boot 3.2
Simplify your migration process to Spring Boot 3.2 with the help of OpenRewrite.
OpenRewrite: Automatic Code Refactoring and Maintenance – Part 2
Learn how to improve, refactor, and move a Spring Boot application with OpenRewrite.
OpenRewrite: Automatic Code Refactoring and Maintenance
OpenRewrite is a powerful tool for automatic code refactoring and maintenance, utilizing customizable recipes to streamline your coding process.
We All Grow Older, But Do Our Projects Really Have To?
A brief introduction to modernizing your application using OpenRewrite, and other usecases such as migrations, static analysis fixes, and more.
How to Upgrade to Jakarta EE 10 and GlassFish 7: It’s Much Easier Than You Think!
We’ll explain everything you need to know before upgrading to Jakarta EE 10 and guide you to complete the upgrade successfully and in almost no time.
Foojay Podcast #19: How Working For Free For Fun Brought Me Fame and Fortune – Or At Least Some Of Each – In The End
Many developers spend a lot of their time on side projects. It’s an opportunity to learn new techniques and get involved in communities. But sometimes it can also lead to a new job.